Here you will find the top most asked questions from our customers. Find out the answers to all your doubts about our product catalogue. All the information, at your fingertips!
Are product discounts offered?
Sorry to let you know that we do not currently offer quantity discounts. However, you can save 20% on your order by purchasing in packs at the price indicated on our website.
Can I order a product sample?
We are sorry, but we do not currently ship samples. However, you can order your item as a package, a more economical profitable option.
Can I get a quote for my order?
To get a personalised offer, please send the references and quantities you are interested in by e-mail to info@monouso-direct.com
Can I customize the product?
Currently, the product customisation service is not available due to the instability of raw material prices, which does not allow us to maintain the guarantee and reference prices.
How do I know if a product is back in stock?
If you would like to be notified when the product becomes available, please enter your email address in the "Notify me when available" box.
Can I download my invoices?
Please note that you can download all invoices in your account under "Order History and Details". You will be able to download it as soon as you receive the order.
How can I report an incident?
For shipping errors, breakages or product changes, we need you to send us an email at info@monouso-direct.com and indicate the order number / identifier, the references affected and attach the images of the product to proceed to manage the incident.
What are the purchasing conditions?
The minimum order amount to place an order on our website is 41 euros (shipping costs not included). We ship to the following countries: Hungary, Poland, Ireland, Slovakia, Sweden, Denmark, Slovenia.
Do you ship to America?
We are sorry, but we currently only ship to Continental Europe. It is not possible to order from America. We ship to the following countries: Hungary, Poland, Ireland, Slovakia, Sweden, Denmark, Slovenia.
Where is Monouso's physical store located?
Sorry to let you know that we currently do not have a physical shop to pick up your order, you will have to make your purchase online.
What is Monouso's address?
CIF/VAT ESB-64.423.833.
Calle Cartagena, 29 - P.I. Fuente del Jarro 2 Fase
46980 Paterna - Valencia - Spagna
How do I make a return?
For shipping errors, breakages or product changes, we need you to send us an email at info@monouso-direct.com and indicate the order number / identifier, the references affected and attach the images of the product to proceed to manage the incident.